
The Mulanje Mountain area is a beautiful hiking area with 10 publicly accessible huts on the mountain. It is best to go for at least for a two day – one night hike, but if time allows try to stay on the mountain for at least two or three nights.  For climbing Mount Sapitwa a minimum of 2 nights is necessary.

It is possible to start hiking from several villages around the mountain area (Tutchila, Likubula, Chitakale and Mulanje). The Lonely Planet up to recently gives information mostly about starting in Likubula. Nowadays it is however possible to start in the four villages mentioned above.

Generally I start walking with clients from the Mount Mulanje information Centre in Chitakale or from the Boma Path in Mulanje. These are the most central starting points. Hereby some (short) routes that were recommended by clients:

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2 days – 1 night
Start: Chitakale Information Centre or Karao’Mula Hotel (Mulanje)
Day 1: Steep hiking for approximately 4 hours to reach plateau. Moderate hiking after this. Total hiking time 5 – 6 hours.
Night 1: CCAP Hut
Day 2: Hiking with view on the Chambe basin before descending via the waterfall and natural swimming pools to Likubula. Total hiking time 5 – 6 hours.
End: Likhubula (transport back to Chitakale (motorbike taxi) or to Karao’Mula (motorbike taxi)

3 days – 2 nights
Start: Chitakale Information Centre or Karao’Mula Hotel (Mulanje)
Day 1: Steep hiking for approximately 4 hours to reach plateau. Moderate hiking after this. Total hiking time 5 – 6 hours.
Night 1: CCAP Hut
Day 2: Moderate hiking towards Chisepo Hut. Total hiking time 4 – 5 hours. Optional climbing peak (approx. 1 – 2 hours extra)
Night 2: Chisepo Hut
Day 3: Hiking with view on the Chambe basin before decending via the waterfall and natural swimming pools to Likubula. Total hiking time 5 – 6 hours. Optional visit to the Chambe hut for a small break. (approx. 1 hour extra)
End: Likhubula (transport back to Chitakale  (motorbike taxi) or to Karao’Mula (motorbike taxi)

3 days – 2 nights – with Mount Sapitwa
Start: Chitakale Information Centre or Karao’Mula Hotel (Mulanje)
Day 1: Steep hiking for approximately 4 hours to reach plateau. Moderate hiking after this. Total hiking time 5 – 6 hours.
Night 1: CCAP Hut
Day 2: Moderate hiking towards Chisepo Hut. Total hiking time 4 – 5 hours. Optional climbing peak (approx. 1 – 2 hours extra)
Night 2: Chisepo Hut
Day 3: Start early to climb Mount Sapitwa, if weather allows! Approximately 6 hours return trip. After lunch, hike via the Chambe basin and views of the natural swimming pools to Likhubula. Total hiking 10 – 11 hours.
End: Likhubula (transport back to Chitakale  (motorbike taxi) or to Karao’Mula (motorbike taxi)

4 days – 3 nights – with mount Sapitwa
Start: Chitakale Information Centre or Karao’Mula Hotel (Mulanje)
Day 1: Steep hiking for approximately 4 hours to reach plateau. Moderate hiking after this. Total hiking time 5 – 6 hours.
Night 1: CCAP Hut
Day 2: Moderate hiking towards Chisepo Hut. Total hiking time 4 – 5 hours. Optional climbing peak (approx. 1 – 2 hours extra)
Night 2: Chisepo Hut
Day 3: Start early to climb Mount Sapitwa, if weather allows! Approximately 6 hours return trip. After lunch in Chisepo Hut, hike to Tutchila Hut for approximately 3 hours. Total hiking 9 hours.
Night 3: Tutchila Hut.
Day 4: return to village.
End: Tutchila (transport back to Chitakale  (motorbike taxi) or to Karao’Mula (motorbike taxi)

If you have a different idea, or want to go for a shorter, harder, longer hike, please contact me. We will make it happen! 🙂