About me

Hello! My name is Oliver Andrys. I am 29 years old and live in the village of Chitakale, right next to Mulanje.

When I was young, some people thought I was different. My big interest in history and politics, learning English and interest in nature were not always common in my village.
However today, as a guide I am very happy with all these things I have learned, so I can tell you about it.

Like the story of many families in Malawi, my story is not a very happy one. When I was young I had three sisters, two brothers, a father and a mother. Today, only me and my two younger brothers remain.
I have been and felt responsible for raising my brothers well. This was my sole goal in life. Nowadays, beyond caring for my brothers, I also have a beautiful wife (Patricia) and amazing daughter (Grace) who is now 3 years old.

I hope that while hiking, you do not only get to see the beautiful views of the mountain. But hopefully you will also get to know more about Malawi and the people living here.
When you go hiking with me, you are supporting me to fulfill my goal in life! In return  I’ll do everything I can to make it a great experience for you!

Thank you!